
Terms of Use and Conditions


Welcome to VaultOne!

The following are the Terms and Conditions of Use (“Terms”) containing the main rules that must be observed by You when accessing and using the functionalities of the environments of the Site and the Products of

VaultOne Software Ltd., registered with the TAX ID under No. 05.198.381/0001-89 and headquartered at R. Doutor Manoel Pedro, nº 365, Cond. Opus One Cabral, cj. 401, 04º andar, Cabral, Curitiba/PR, CEP: 80035-030, hereinafter simply “We” or “VaultOne“, without the need for the use of quotation marks,

available, respectively, in https://vaultone.com/ , and/  or Product, available respectively in the domains https://*.vault.one and installed on your machine or server collectively referred to as “Our Environments”.   

As a condition for access and use of the existing functionalities in Our Environments, You  declare that You have made the complete and attentive reading of the rules of this document, being fully aware of them.

During the use of Our Environments, for access to certain functionalities, additional information related to You may be required to  better serve You. Do not worry, as the use of your data is regulated in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which can be accessed by You at any time through the following link: https://vaultone.com/privacy-policy/.


1.1.        Conditions of access to Our Environments. The availability of the content on the Site is free of charge for Users and, in general, does not require prior registration. Access to the Portal requires a login and password that will be made available  by Us only to Users authorized by VaultOne Customers (as defined in topic 8 of these Terms), upon prior contracting of our services.

1.1.1.    The functionalities of Our Environments are aimed at legal entities and individuals over 18 years of age.

1.2.        Eligibility. We may change the eligibility criteria for accessing and using Our Environments at any time and at Our discretion, so we suggest that You, when making use of the existing functionalities of Our Environments, always check the applicable rules.

1.3.         Communication. By providing your data through our Contact Us, Be a Partner, Work with Us and other pages that make or become part of Our Environments, You are aware that in accordance with the provisions of the Privacy Policy, You may receive, in the email and/or telephone informed, messages with notices and advertising content sent by Us. Remembering that, in this case, at any time  , You will always have the option to suspend the receipt of these communications, provided that it does not prejudice the contact essential to meet the requests made by You in Our Environments. 

1.4.         Presentation of Our Environments. Our Environments and the functionalities in them are presented to You in the  manner in which they are available at the time of access, but may undergo constant improvements and updates.

1.4.1.    In this case, We undertake to preserve the functionalities of  Our Environments with reasonable efforts, using layout that  respects usability and navigability, whenever possible, as well as to display the functionalities in a clear, complete, accurate and sufficient manner so that there is a correct perception of what is being practiced through the available state of the art,  the data collected by the functionalities made available.

1.5.         Registration in our Portal. To access the Portal, we will provide You with  login data to access the Portal Access Account. Your Access Account is linked to your email and is non-transferable. If you have forgotten your password, please contact us through our Service Channels so that we can generate a new password.



2.1.        Access addresses. Access to  the Site will be made through the use of  the internet,  through the link https://vaultone.com/ the Portal will be accessed through the link https://*.vault.one or through a click on the item “Login” made available on the Site  Access to Our Environments by various means not authorized by Us is prohibited.

2.2.         Site Features. You can use  the Site  to have access to various features  and content, intended to meet the most diverse audiences interested in our business model and has, by purpose, expose information about  our services,  provide access to our addresses and contacts, receive requests and questions, schedule demonstration of our services, among other expository content.

2.2.1.    The Site has an area designed for the presentation by You to Us of partnership opportunities. If  you  are interested in partnering with us, you can send us your proposal and the details of it and the potential client through our “Partners” page and then in “Register Opportunities”. 

2.2.2.    If you are interested in being one of our business partners, You may contact us through the Site by clicking on “Partners” and then on “Become a Partner”.

2.2.3.    Portal and Product Features. By accessing the Portal or using the product directly in their environments, VaultOne  Customers will be able  to obtain information and manage access policies managed by VaultOne. 

2.2.4.    The functionalities of the Portal  and the Product are aimed at: User Access Security and Remote Work; Prevention of Data Leakage and Attacks; Protection of Cloud and Hybrid Environments; Audit and Compliance. 

2.3.         Information integrity. You are solely responsible for the integrity and veracity of the information entered into Our Environments, responding civilly and criminally for the effects arising from irregular use of third party information or false information.

2.3.1.    In  the Portal and/or in  the Product, the User may have access to his/her registration data. If you find that there is any inconsistency in such data, the User must contact us through our Service Channels so that we can eventually correct the registration data.

2.3.2.    You are responsible for the integrity and veracity of the data submitted to  the Portal and/or the Product and  for any direct losses and damages that arise from the improper use of the information made available/inserted in the Portal and/or Product

2.3.3.    We do not guarantee the quality, consistency, completeness, form and updating of the Users’ data that You  enter in the Portal and/  or in the Product, so we are not responsible, therefore, for any inveracity, outdated or error contained in the reports generated based on such inconsistencies.

2.4. Suspension for Damage Caused, imminent, possible and/or due to the misuse of the Environment. The Parties hereby have among themselves fairly, certainly and duly agreed  that We reserve the right to suspend Your use of or access to our services and products if We reasonably conclude that the use of any of them by You or by any User is in violation of these Terms of Use and/or the law or causing immediate harm,  imminent or possible to Us or to the security, integrity or availability of any VaultOne product and/or service. VaultOne will use commercially reasonable efforts under the circumstances to provide You, depending on the case and the severity of the incident, with notice and an opportunity to remedy the breach or threat prior to suspension. VaultOne will not be and is not liable to You or any third party for any liabilities, claims or expenses arising out of or relating to any suspension of use of or access to VaultOne Products and/or Services. Nothing in this clause 2.4 shall limit VaultOne’s other rights under this Contractual Instrument.

2.5. AdvertisingDuring the term of this Agreement, VaultOne may include Customer’s name and logo in its customer lists, including on its website. To the extent Customer provides standard trademark use guidelines, Vaultone will use Customer’s name and logo in accordance with the guidelines.


3.1.        Content. Except as otherwise provided by these Terms, all information, images, trademarks and other content made available in Our Environments, in any language or form, is our sole property and/or license (“Content”). Your use of Our Environments  does not give rise to any presumption of transfer of ownership or license of the Content. For this reason, You shall not market, assign and/or transfer in any  way, in whole or in part, the Content by any means, onerous or not, knowing that if You do so You may be penalized civilly and criminally by Us and/or by any  third party owner of the Content.

3.1.1.    The eventual removal, blocking or suspension of any Content or functionality of Our Environments as a result of any claim shall always be understood as a demonstration of good faith and intent to resolve disputes amicably, never as an acknowledgment of guilt or of any infringement by Us  of the right of a third party.

3.2.         Not mining. It is forbidden to use  data mining software in Our Environments, of any type or kind, in addition to another not typified here that acts in a similar way.

3.3.         Indemnity. In the incidence of damages  to Us or  to third parties, the responsible party undertakes  to bear all the obligations to indemnify the injured party, including those whose origin is from acts committed through their access to Our Environments, assuming the passive pole of legal action or administrative procedure and requesting our exclusion, and shall fully bear the expenses and related procedural costs, leaving us free from losses and burdens of any and all classes and/or nature.

3.3.1.    Site and Product Integrity. You  undertake not to access programming areas of Our Environments and their databases, source code or any other set of data available in these environments, as well as not to perform or reverse engineer, or translate, decompile, copy, modify, reproduce, rent, sublicense, publish, disclose, transmit, lend, distribute or otherwise improperly dispose of the functionalities of Our Environments,  whether directly  by You or by any person (natural or otherwise) who has any relationship with You, and You are fully  and unlimited liable for any and all damages (material and/or immaterial) and/or damage of any nature caused by the conduct of the third party in question.


4.1.         Availability of Our Environments. We strive to maintain the continuous and permanent availability of Our Environments. However, there may be, eventually, some temporary unavailability due to necessary maintenance or even generated by force majeure, such as natural disasters, failures in communication systems and internet access, invasive cyber attacks, or any third party facts that escape the sphere of our surveillance and responsibility.

4.1.1.    If this occurs, We will do everything in our power to re-establish access to Our Environments as soon as possible, within the technical limitations of our services and third party services, on which we rely to stay online. For this reason, You are aware that You will not be able to claim compensation or reparation of damages in the event that Our Environments remain offline, regardless of the motivation, already manifesting, through the present term, to be fully and fully aware and in accordance with what is provided herein.

4.1.2.    We will endeavour to inform in our official channels, when this is possible, of any maintenance procedures that may result in the unavailability of Our Environments.

4.1.3.    Without prejudice to other conditions of these Terms, We shall not be liable to:

(i)             For any problems, bugsglitches or malfunctions that occur on your devices and equipment;

(ii)           For any direct or indirect damage caused by third-party events, for example, but not limited to hacker attacks, system, server or internet connection failures, including by software actions  that may in any way damage physical or logical assets as a result of accessing, using or browsing Our Environments,  as well as the transfer of data, files and texts contained in Our Environments;

(iii)          By browsing any  external links made available in Our Environments, being your duty, to read the Terms and Conditions of Use and the Privacy Policy of the resource accessed and act as determined; and

(iv)          For verifying, controlling, approving or guaranteeing the adequacy or accuracy  of the information or data made available in such links, not being therefore responsible for losses, losses or damages incurred by the visit to such sites, and it is up to the interested party to verify the reliability of the information and data displayed therein, as well as the security / reliability of the destination whose access is intended,  before making any decision or doing any act.


5.1.         Client Access Account. We will not be  responsible for any unauthorized third party access to the Access Account, and the User and the Client of VaultOne are solely responsible for the storage  of login and password in a secure place, as well as the non-sharing of this information with third parties.

5.1.1.    We will also not be responsible for unauthorized access resulting from attacks carried out by hackers or due to virus actions that may access your information and your registration.

5.1.2.    If the User or the Client of VaultOne realizes or suspects that his Access Account is being used by unauthorized third parties or that he has been the victim of attack by hackers or  malicious programs and/or files (viruses, trojans, etc.), please contact us immediately through the Service Channels, so that appropriate action can be taken.

5.2.         Access to Our Environments. Whenever you access Our Environments verify that you are in fact in the environment made available by Ushacking actions  may in an attempt to steal your data replicate a copy of Our Environments or areas thereof. 

5.2.1.    To verify the integrity and veracity of Our Environments, click on the padlock present in the address bar of the browser, verifying the certificates present and informed. 

5.2.2.    If the browser does not present the certificates and/or returns with the message that access is not secure, immediately stop using Our Environments and communicate with us so that appropriate action can be taken. 


6.1.        Penalties. Failure to comply with any provision of these Terms may generate liability in the civil and criminal spheres, when applicable.

6.1.1.    You acknowledges from now on and undertakes, during the use of the Our Environments, not to carry out any actions that violate morality, ethics and good faith, obliging itself to in no case disclose, instigate or assist the practice of unlawful or fraudulent acts, and must combat them whenever it becomes aware under penalty of the provisions of the clause 6.1 above.


7.1.         Service Channels. If  You have any difficulty in Our EnvironmentsYou can contact us through our Support Services Channels, from Monday to Friday, except days when there is a holiday, from 8:30 to 11:30 and from 13:00 to 18:00hrs (Brasilia time), through the e-mail [email protected]. If your questions are related to the charges we make to make the Environments available, please contact us by e-mail: [email protected]You may also use the Service Channels whenever you witness or verify inappropriate content in Our Environmentswhether it is notably unlawful or contrary to the rules of use stipulated in these Terms, or merely suspicious.

7.1.1.    We will have up to 48 working hours, counted from the receipt of the request and always in compliance with the service hours set forth in the clause above, to respond to the requests and doubts of the Users. 

7.1.2.    You represent that your contact with our attendants who provide technical or billing support will be respectful, so that it will not be aggressive, threatening, obscene, defamatory, pejorative, harmful, libelous or discriminatory.

7.2.        Updated Terms. These Terms are subject to constant improvement and improvement. Thus, Wereserve the right to modify them at any time, according to their purpose or convenience, such as for adequacy and legal compliance of a provision of law or norm that has equivalent legal force, including from regulatory bodies, that is,   You must verify it whenever You access Our Environments.

7.2.1.    By browsing Our Environments and using their features, You acknowledge that all Your browsing is governed by the Terms that are in force on the date of access. Therefore, it is recommended that You update the current conditions.

7.3.         Novation and resignation. The forbearance of any breach of any conditions of these Terms shall not constitute a waiver or novation nor shall it prevent us from enforcing these conditions at any time.

7.4.         Nullity. If any provision of these Terms is found to be unenforceable or ineffective, the remainder will continue as normal.

7.5.         Communication. You acknowledge that all communication made by  e-mail  or telephone (  to the e-mail address and  telephone/mobile number provided in your registration) is valid, effective and sufficient for the disclosure of any matter that refers to Our Environments and the contract eventually in force between Us.

7.6.         Date and time. Our Environments are based on the official date and times of Brasilia (UTC/GMT -03:00).

7.7.         Applicable law and venue. These Terms will be interpreted according to Brazilian law, in the Portuguese language, being elected the forum of the District of Curitiba, State of Paraná, to resolve any controversy involving this document, with express waiver of any other forum, however privileged it may be or may be.


i.        Service Channels: means of contact made available by Us, for the sending of doubts and suggestions related to Our Environments. You can contact us by e-mail: [email protected].

ii.      VaultOne Client: person (natural or legal) who  contracts our services and who has access to our Environments through one (or more) authorized User(s).

iii.     Access Account: logged in area of  the Environment, used by the User, through his login and password. Each User has their own Access Account, linked to their email.

iv.     Layoutset between appearance, design and flows of Our Environments.

v.      Access Credentials data provided by the Administrator of the resources contracted  by You with Us in order to escalate the access rights of each user to the information and data that should or should not be accessed by him/her.

vi.     Linkterminology for internet address.

vii.   Our Environments: corresponds  to the Site, the Portal and/or  the  Product  installed on your server or on your machine, whose license to use is sold by You on a non-exclusive basis.

viii.  Users or You: visitors, customers, suppliers, interested in job vacancies, representatives or authorized by VaultOne (We), among others, who use Our Environments to access the functionalities and services made available.