
World Internet Day: 5 tips to improve your network security

World Internet Day was created on May 17, 2005, in Tunisia. WSIS (World Summit on the Information Society) made a proposal to the UN to create this commemorative date, with the objective of increasing digital inclusion and connecting, through the internet, developed and underdeveloped countries, ensuring global access to the network. 

In the year following the institution of the date, UNESCO promoted public awareness of the benefits provided by the internet, such as the sharing of ideas and information. 

The internet facilitated access to data, but it also brought security concerns. According to Forbes, only 24% of companies have an incident response plan, which, in the event of an attack, would make it possible to return to their previous status. This unpreparedness can cause financial losses and even damage to the company’s reputation. 

Investment in security is strategic for the growth of companies, as well as the adoption of a Protection Policy focused on preserving data. 

A recent study showed two types of behavior on the part of decision-makers:

  • 58% of CEOs focused on risk, prioritizing the maintenance of business stability
  • 54% of CISOschosea more reactive, incident-oriented approach to mitigate cyber threats 

Mainly thinking about remote work, ensuring a secure environment is crucial for business continuity. 

Table of Contents

Check out 5 tips on how to ensure the security of your company on the internet:

  1. Use a basic security solution, which is antivirus or firewall, to protect your endpoints and scan regularly
  2. Keep the operating system, browsers and other software up to date. Keeping the features in the latest version prevents malicious software from entering the system withoutthe user’spermission or knowledge. 
  3. Adopt two-factor authentication. With this extra layer of security to your login process, the user validates its authenticity, guarantees the security of the credential and keeps the data safe.
  4. Create strong passwords, makingit harder for cybercriminals togain entry 
  5. Control your passwords, keys and secrets in a digital safe. Data showsthatcyber-attacks increased 273% in Brazil, focused mainly on the theft of user credentials. By storing passwords in a digital safe, you fight data leakage and protect your business. 

About Us

VaultOne allows you to completely control your security. You can give a user access through VaultOne for a specific part of your business, without them actually seeing a password. With VaultOne, you can be sure that your intellectual property is in good hands. 

Talk to our experts today and increase your level of protection.