

Security risk factors for remote work without planning

Security risk factors for remote work without planning According to a US survey, it is estimated that more than 300 million people worldwide are working from home due to the COVID-19 pandemic.    A 2017 study points out that remote work increases productivity by 13%. It saves time, reduces absences, increases life quality, and so on. There are many benefits and, like any other technological solution, some risks.     From February 1st through the first half of March, more than 300 websites with malicious domains using the term ”COVID-19″ in their URL were served up; some of these were used to spread malware and scams. The subject matter ranged from advertisements promising medicines against COVID-19 to news, and lll the websites, reportedly coming from legitimate organizations, such as the World Health Organization.    The high flow of data along with the changing behavior of companies on a large scale can cause unwanted Cybersecurity risks for Organizations if the adoption of remote work security is not implemented.    What if your company was not prepared, what should you do? VaultOne has put together some pointers to help you prepare a more secure

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Password Security: longer or more complex ?

Password Security: longer or more complex? When entire businesses are operated solely online, passwords become a critical piece of cybersecurity.  So, when creating a password, what is more secure – length or complexity?  Passwords are insecure by nature, so

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