
October 19: IT Professional Day

With Digital Transformation, information technology is one of the fastest growing areas in the market, both in search of professionals and in the development of new solutions. 

According to IDC forecasts for this year, Brazil will have a 7.6% growth in this sector. Driven by the acceleration in the software market, by the expansion of cloud computing and by unexpected events like global cyber-attacks and the pandemic, cybersecurity is a top priority.  

Also, according to IDC, the expectation for the country’s investments in the sector will be US $48 billion.

Among the various areas of Technology, we will highlight the growth of information security, whose mission is to protect all information and data circulating on the network from different types of threats, in order to ensure business continuity, minimize risk, maximize the return on investments and opportunities. 

Table of Contents

Factors that contributed to the growth of information security

  • The need to modernize security solutions due to the increase and complexity of cyber-attacks. 
  • The entry of the LGPD, General Data Protection Law, into force, requiring Organizations to adapt to the new legislation and invest in new legal, technological and business resources. 

Main areas of performance of information security

Corporate security: an area that creates strategic plans to protect company data, performs systems audits, and monitors and controls the organization’s security policies 

  • Security Software Development: develops products and services and analyzes malicious codes (malware)
  • Forensic security: professional who researches, collects and reports on digital evidence in police investigations, mainly ofcybercrimes
  • State Intelligence: acts in government security agencies, such as the Brazilian Intelligence Agency (ABIN).

In the past, IT professionals were just an area of support for companies, ensuring the proper functioning of technological resources, and in particular, hardware, servers, computers. 

Today, IT is considered a strategic department because it directly affects employee productivity, information security and resource savings, bringing innovation in the optimization of corporate routines. 

Find out how VaultOne can bring more security to your business. Talk with our experts today.